July 20, 2006            [home]  [contact]  [links] [disclaimer] [boycott list]          

Si, si. I know he. He wrestling with great dishonor para dos semanas in Mexican Wrestling Federation under name El Maricon Gordo. Never have the juevos of mine been so bruised y mi ass so sore as after fighting this dirty woman. Finally myself and El Enchilada Estupendo meeting him in shower and stabbing him muchos, muchos veces hasta que era muerto. So sorry, senor, if you want to seeing this puto, you will have to be travelling to the ring of hell where Judas lives - where you will probably be finding El Gordo with his face in the lap of Ronaldo Reagan.

Where to now?

Fourth Ring of Hell
Eighth Ring of Hell - Ditch #10
Ninth Ring of Hell - Zone 4

Have you suffered long term
mental anguish from extended
exposure to the music of The
Offspring? You might be entitled
to $$$ from a recent class action
law suit - 1-800-MKIT-STP
Son recently hit by car, paralyzed
snowboard, skateboard, bicycle
for sale. 5705 Sagebrush Way